About this courseYour ability to master decision making best practices in all scenarios (quick, major, and strategic) will determine whether you reach your business and career goals in our increasingly-disrupted future.
Yet traditional advice to "go with your gut" in decision making so often leads to disasters that devastate company bottom lines and bring down high-flying careers, as revealed by research in behavioral economics, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. So what are the best practices used by the leaders of Fortune 500 companies to make the right calls in all types of scenarios on even the toughest decisions to maximize company bottom lines and advance their own careers?
These leaders recognize that science has revealed how our typical approach to decision making suffers from systematic dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases. These mental blindspots often lead us into decision making disasters that drastically undermine our desired outcomes and goals. Fortunately, recent scholarship has shown effective yet counterintuitive strategies to enable you to defeat these cognitive biases and help optimize your bottom line and your career. In this course, you will learn about and address these dangerous judgment errors, while mastering techniques for all decision making scenarios (quick, major, complex, and strategic) drawing on cutting-edge behavioral science and real-world best practices from Fortune 500 company leaders to help you and your teams reach your professional goals.
After taking this course, you will:
• Master all decision making best practices (quick, major, strategic) used by Fortune 500 leaders to seize competitive advantage for their bottom line and career
• Free yourself of constant ruminations, numerous grey zones, and mental blindspots that plague decision making and block business and career goal achievement
• Develop a plan with specific next steps to adapt for yourself the best practices used by Fortune 500 leaders for quick, major, and strategic decision making
• Discover the dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases that lead to decision making disasters for your business objectives
• Maximize your desired outcomes by overcoming cognitive biases via science-based decision making techniques used by Fortune 500 leaders
• Feel truly confident about whether you made the right call in your quick, major, and strategic decisions to reach your business and career goals
That's what you can expect in this course: methods used successfully by leaders at the biggest companies to seize the competitive advantage for their bottom lines and careers, thoroughly informed by cutting-edge research and featured in top media venues and best-selling books around the globe. The course features 8 sections with videos, articles, and assignments from the course materials textbook packet, delivered in the following order:
1) Discover the structure of our minds and why typical decision making advice, such as "go with your gut," so often results in disastrous decisions, and how to use science-based methods and Fortune 500 best practices to get the best outcomes
2) Take the "Assessment on Dangerous Judgment Errors in the Workplace," to help you learn about which decision making cognitive biases are most problematic for you and your team
3) Master a technique to make quick and effective decisions on any choices where you just need a "good enough" answer
4) Master a technique for how to make major decisions where you or your team wants the best answer possible, rather than settling for "good enough"
5) Master a technique for making complex decisions with a number of different options that each have certain strengths and weaknesses
6) Master a technique to avoid failures and maximize success when implementing major and/or complex decisions, managing large projects, and solving big problems
7) Master a technique to future-proof your strategic decision making and strategic planning
8) Tying these all together, the last module will help you develop the mental habits necessary to notice and address cognitive biases and recognize when and how you should deploy all the techniques you've learned earlier
I look forward to welcoming you into the world of evidence-based, science-driven techniques tested in the real world of many Fortune 500 companies and numerous middle-market companies and startups. To ensure that you master the best practices of Fortune 500 companies to help yourself seize competitive advantage for your bottom line and career in quick, major, complex, and strategic decision making, register now!
Who is this course for?
Current and aspiring leaders (executives, managers, supervisors, intrapreneurs, and entrepreneurs) who want to dramatically improve all of their decision making (quick, major, and strategic) by using best practices from Fortune 500 leaders will get the most benefit from this course for their business and career goals, because case studies and examples are best suited to their needs
Everyone else who wants to make the best quick, major, and strategic decisions will also benefit from this course, even if the case studies and examples will be less relevant to them
This course includes:
schedule4 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altIntermediate level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Jun 21, 2022
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Sep 4, 2024