About this courseWhether large, small, operational, or project-centered, teams of professionals are said to be in the stage of forming, storming, norming but rarely performing. Now more than ever, the elusive stage of team performance is paramount to cultivate a thriving workforce, build collective value and sharpen competitive advantage. To engender these benefits, today's leaders must possess rock-solid skills to effectively develop and lead highly productive teams. Ineffective team development and leadership skills can result in workforce dissatisfaction fueling disengagement, disparate contributions that lack sufficient power to drive meaningful changes/results, or worse, an organization that cannot stay adaptable and competitive.
This course is designed for professionals who want to better develop and lead their work teams to operate as a cohesive unit, increase collective output and produce quality results that drive company value.
Through five performance keys, I teach practical knowledge to build your skills and confidence engaging tools used to empower high-performing teams. I share proven skills to help you develop the keys, understand the impact on your team, and reveal what productive benefits they unlocked. With a step-by-step approach, I provide a real-world take on team leadership to help you promote your teams for performance.
You discover proven knowledge vital for developing and promoting team productivity. This course provides the crucial keys needed for your fob of leadership helping you unlock your team's performance. With each key, you identify essential skills to develop your team. From there, you recognize the impact these skills have on the team providing you with valuable intel from the team's perspective. Finally, I help you explore the exposed benefits to productivity that nurtures enviable team performance.
This course provides information and insight to fast-track your knowledge to develop and lead teams where individual and group contributions promote high performance and overall organizational value.
This course includes:
schedule2.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altBeginner level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Mar 29, 2021
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
calendar_todayUpdated At Aug 8, 2024